Some project notes: ORM in Django

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Transaction in Django


def transaction_func():

We know that a decorator will return a wrapper function/class of the decorated function. In Django, the an instance of Atomic class is returned. Atomic is a subclass of ContextDecorator, it is callable because ContextDecorator has a __call__ function.

In ContextDecorator’s __call__, we can see something like:

@wraps(func, assigned=available_attrs(func))
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
    with self:
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
return inner

So, the wrapped function will be put into a context self. In its context control function, __enter__ will open a new transaction if not already in one or create a new savepoint if otherwise. __exit__ is rather complex. Generally, if atomic is wrapped in another atomic, then the inner one will be treated as a savepoint if not be told otherwise. when the inner one exits, Django will try to commit the inner savepoint, and rollback the savepoint and set needs_rollback flag if error occurs. If everything goes well, then in the outermost atomic exits, Django will commit the transaction.

database connections

In Django settings, we wrote DATABASES like:

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'Django.db.backends.mysql', # Add 'postgresql_psycopg2', 'mysql', 'sqlite3' or 'oracle'.
        'NAME': '',                      # Or path to database file if using sqlite3.
        # The following settings are not used with sqlite3:
        'USER': '',
        'PASSWORD': '',
        'HOST': '',                      # Empty for localhost through domain sockets or '' for localhost through TCP.
        'PORT': '',                      # Set to empty string for default.

So how this info is used? Django has a class ConnectionHandler. This class holds the DATABSES in its _database dict. Also, it has a _connection dict, which stores the connections to databases. For example, for our DATABASES above, _connection will have a default attribute, with its value the connection instance which talks to the database. All the db manipulations, like transaction, rollback etc. will be carried out through this connection instance.

Behind model class of Django

class Question(models.Model):
    question_text = models.CharField(max_length=200)
    pub_date = models.DateTimeField('date published')

When we use the above code to create a model in Django, we get a class Question. If we try to invoke Question.pub_date, we get an attribute error saying that pub_date isn’t there. Instead, in Question._meta.fields we find these fields. So, models.Model does more than it appears to do.

In the definition of models.Model, I find it has a base class six.with_metaclass(ModelBase). Here its base class is not the simple ModelBase, with_metaclass made a dummy class like this:

def with_metaclass(meta, *bases):
    class metaclass(meta):
        def __new__(cls, name, this_bases, d):
            return meta(name, bases, d)
    return type.__new__(metaclass, 'temporary_class', (), {})

This is a python2/3 compatible way of setting metaclass. About metaclass, there’s an excellent article in stackoverflow. Simply put, metaclass is the class of class or a class is an instance of its metaclass. When a class is defined, the class’s metaclass is called to create the class itself.

So how this with_metaclass works?

When six.with_metaclass(ModelBase) is invoked, its return value is a class. This class is an instance of metaclass, as type.__new__(metaclass) implies. Now Model’s base class (The return value of with_metaclass) is a class whose class will be metaclass. According to python doc:

if there is at least one base class, its metaclass is used (this looks for a class attribute first and if not found, uses its type)

Model’s metaclass will be metaclass, so will all its sub classes. As a result, when Question is defined, __new__ of metaclass will be called to create Question class, and it returns an instance of ModelBase, this instance becomes the content of Question class we saw.

How does ModelBase create the content of Question?

First thing I can see is that, it attach _meta object to model class. _meta is an object of class Options. This Options holds many information about model, including primary key, app_label, fields, etc. Attributes in Meta Class of Model will be stored here. This can answer our problem of where has the fields gone? They were added to _meta in the __new__ of ModelBase. Interestingly, fields is actually a method in Options, when called return a list on the fly.

Second, install Manager of model. This is VERY complex, the behavior depends heavily on if the model is abstract, proxy or its parents. Anyway, at least ensure_default_manager will be called, so that we can call Question.objects.

Third, add DoesNotExist and MultipleObjectsReturned exception for model.

Many methods of Manager belongs to QuerySet

We often use something like Question.objects.filter(), actually this method comes from class QuerySet. The definition of Manager is:

class Manager(BaseManager.from_queryset(QuerySet)):

from_queryset is a classmethod, it will ‘copy’ necessary methods from QuerySet into BaseManager. This ‘copy’ is a delegation, when we call filter on Manager, what happens is that the Manager instance will call the same function on the queryset obtained by calling get_queryset. That’s why when customizing Managers, we often override the get_queryset method, so that any following query functions will all carried out based on the customized queryset.

Fields in Django ORM

How query is generated in Django ORM