Unicode in python3

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Long time since I touched python last time. Today I tried to write a line of code like this:

message = "光臨"

And I run this program with python3, and get something like this: UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters.

It’s weird because in python3 every str is default to unicode.

After some google, I find that print(sys.stdout.encoding) gives me US-ASCII, which seems to explain why ascii appears in the error message. So I set $LANG with export LANG=en_US.UTF-8, then sys.stdout.encoding becomes UTF-8, and 光臨 get output. Here, the encoding of my terminal is also utf-8.

It seems that, when doing output to stdio, python will decode the string with sys.stdout.encoding which seems determined by $LANG or $LC_XXX. When $LANG is not set, it will be ASCII, of couse this will result in decode error.

Also note that, terminal encoding another different thing. It determines how bytes are rendered in terminal. If utf-8 is set, then terminal will assume the byte codes are utf-8 streams, and will encode them acording to utf-8. If byte codes is actully other codings, then funny characters will appear on terminal.